Financial Assistance
Village Pantry Coalition provides financial assistance to Evergreen Park residents experiencing an unforeseen change in circumstances that requires immediate action. These emergency situations stem from an urgent, sudden or serious event that necessitates immediate action to remedy harm or avert imminent danger to life, health, or property.
VPC does not offer rent or mortgage assistance. All monetary disbursements are made directly to a utility company or repair service.
Financial Assistance - Step 1
Contact OCS - Office of Citizen Services - Evergreen Park
Before contacting the Village Pantry Coalition for emergency assistance, it is important to understand there are several different organizations that provide assistance to Evergreen Park residents. In order for our residents to receive the maximum assistance available we ask that they first contact:
Office of Citizens' Services (OCS)
Village of Evergreen Park Community Center
3450 W. 97th St.
Evergreen Park, IL 60805
OCS will reach out in an orderly process to their emergency assistance providers such as CEDA, Worth Township and the Salvation Army. After OCS obtains as much emergency assistance as possible from their resources, they will then refer you to the Village Pantry Coalition for additional assistance.
We cannot stress strongly enough that you follow this process in order to maximize the total assistance you will receive.
Financial Assistance - Step 2
Contact Village Pantry Coalition
After the resources of OCS have been exhausted the VPC will evaluate each application on a case-by-case basis. We will conduct a phone interview initially with clients that will take approximately 30 minutes.
Areas we ask about are:
your household
how long you have been a resident of Evergreen Park
how many people are living in the household
their ages and birthdates
We will also discuss:
expenses and income sources
leasing information
reason for financial assistance
Documentation will be requested and is required to be approved for assistance. There are no income restrictions to qualify for emergency assistance from the Village Pantry Coalition. It is important to note that documentation is a requirement of most emergency assistance programs, grant funders, and is needed to properly discern a request for assistance.

Assuming that the applicant has provided all of the paperwork (both to OCS and the Village Pantry Coalition), the whole process should take about a week to ten days.
Emergency assistance can cover basic needs such as utilities and emergency repairs and is available to residents of Evergreen Park, IL only. The Village Pantry Coalition does not offer rent or mortgage assistance. Payments will be made directly to your utility company or repair service.

7-10 day process